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Gabriela está de pé diante de uma janela, olhando diretamente para a câmera com um sorriso caloroso e acolhedor.

Hello, welcome!

This is my personal website.

Here you can find upcoming events,

services that I offer, articles, projects that

I collaborate and the background of the work I do

Who am I?

I am in the empty and liquid state of experiencing nakedness. I am experiencing putting away for a moment the identities I have been sewing for the last two years. I decided to become more real on this website and share this process I am living, instead of leaving the certainty of "I am a Possibility Creator, Regenerative Cultures Researcher and Possibility Management Trainer".


Identities are like clothes, you can wear and try on as many as you want. Each piece offers you possibilities, skills, a way of seeing the world. Each outfit gives you an experience. If you don't change your clothes often, they start to smell and you might forget that they are just clothes. You may begin to think that your clothes are your skin. However, you can change your clothes as often as you like, or even go naked for a while.

I am naked now, in the process of discovering the next identities I will try on or sew. I'm traveling the world, experiencing being a nomad and making the place where I am my home. Where I am is where I live, where I care, where I honor. It can be a hostel, camping, a friend's house, a hotel, the street, airbnb.


I welcome you with joy on this platform that is my personal website. Here you will find my Services, References, Articles, Videos, testimonials. It’s a Wikipedia of my Research and Journey.

I can support you some parts of the way. I can offer you a clear and powerful container for finding your “x” on your map and for finding the next steps to take on your journey.


Things I can support you with:

Emotional Competence: Learn to feel your feelings and emotions in a constructive way
Healing: Address past wounds
Working with Purpose: Discover your vision and destiny
Shadow Work: Confront Your Hidden Aspects and Defenses
Relationship Dynamics: Discover new ways of creating Intimacy with you Partner, Friends and Family
Authenticity: Learn to stop adapting and be yourself in speech and action
Presence Practice: Shift from overthinking to a way of being clear, centered, and present.
Connection with Universe and Gaia: As long as your life is just about you, it will be empty. Rediscover the relationship with Universe and the Earth as resources for a Spirit to lead life.

Write me a message to arrange a free call to get to know each other, and where we can see if we have a mach to work on together.

Below, I present the journeys that I offer to you, who have decided to stop silencing the voice of your heart and choose the path that is offered to you to believe in yourself, explore new paths that will lead you to truly discover yourself and have greater clarity in your communication. .

Stay here with me and check out the paths that open up for you.

My offers


This is a space to get real with your partner and make more room for the flow of Love. It's a space to heal and transform your relationship through active listening, speaking from your feelings and connecting as adults, looking into each other's eyes and hearts.


In these sessions I navigate and facilitate using Possibility Management maps, distinctions, tools and processes to bring clarity to the space.

This session is for couples who want to negotiate intimacy, clarify agreements, explore dynamics. It is for you who want to evolve in your relationship to create more love, high level fun, adult intimacy and connection.


Investment: 110 EUR/NZ/$, 1-2h session

* For young adults between 15 to 24 years old, with lack of finantial resources, I offer a social price, contact me.


Possibility Coaching is an alchemy of process, healing, tools and initiations that empowers you to reclaim your power and get closer to your being. The clarity gained in the session gives you new choices and the energy to transform those choices into new actions and results in your life.


Possibility Coaching shows and opens doors to new spaces in the area you want to work with. In the session I guide you through the feelings and mental constructs that are holding you back from creating the results you want.


At the end of each session, I design an experiment for you to practice a skill in your daily life that supports the materialization of the session into reality, and I text you an integration practice to support your nervous system in integrating the session.


Investment: 80 EUR/NZ/$, 1h session

* For young adults between 15 to 24 years old, with lack of finantial resources, I offer a social price, contact me.


Your being is here. You are reading these words now, your being inhabits you. Your being is you. Even when the space in your bodies it seems empty, or the doors of your presence are closed, your being is still there. Waiting to be awaken, to come alive, to have space to express, to create, to serve, to be with other beings.


Perhaps the next step your being is calling you to take now is to travel, to let everything fall apart and walk away. Maybe it's asking you to start settling down in one place. Whatever the emergence of your being, I am with you on the journey of unfoldment.


This is a process of 5 to 7 sessions where you create more intimacy with yourself, with your being. You have the opportunity to get more in touch with your role on planet Earth. During the process you will distill your talents and passions, the qualities and values (your Bright Principles) that are yours and create a path for your own evolution. Finding and living your purpose allows you to tap into your full potential to live a fulfilling life.


Your essence comes through creation and service. This is the way to get closer and closer to your heart and who you are. You can also use some of the sessions to refine your next talk or training. To get pregnant with a project. It can be a space for you to clarify what you want to create and distill the next steps to take clearly and realistically.


This process is for people who want to unfold their being in reality and take responsibility for who they are.


Investment: 80 EUR/NZ/$, 1-1h30 session


This is a space to practice communication with the purpose of clarity, integrity and love.


Are you about to have a difficult conversation with your partner about taking the kids out of school? Or an intimacy negotiation with your boyfriend? Or an agreement you want to make with your children? Or do you have something to put on the table with the people you work with? Maybe you're trying to communicate something and it just doesn't seem to be getting through to the other person? You can take the victim position of "no one listens to me, they don't understand me" and then jump to the persecutor position of cutting off the connection and creating resentment.


There is a possibility that you can take responsibility for creating the space and communication that you want. There is a possibility that you can practice your sword and be more clear, precise, present and loving in your communication. There's a possibility that you can prepare for a difficult conversation in a safe space.


I offer this space for you to practice live, with me as a role-play, a conversation: with your child, with your partner, with your mother, with your boss, with a person you want to negotiate with. As you begin the conversation, I will pause and give feedback and guidance on the clarity of your communication, the boundaries you need to set, the mixed emotions. It's a party.


Investment: 45 EUR/NZ/$, 45min session


Building your website is much more than assembling technical items. It is a process of cultivating the seeds of your soul and who you are. It's a process. It is not a final destination.


I am fascinated by providing space for people to find their words to express their being, their services, to discover what they want to bring to the world, to find their unique and authentic form of expression.


This is a space for you who want to start your website and are a little lost, for you who have already started but are stuck in the creation and writing process and want an inspiring pain in the ass with you to continue, and for you who have had a website for some time and want to reshape and update it to who you are now.


I will accompany you on your website writing journey. I ask questions, I pirate agreements, I give tips, I bring possibilities, ideas and suggestions, I give clear and precise feedback and coaching. When you get stuck, I can be an empty space for you to create.


Investment: 60 EUR/NZ/$, 1h session


Woman, you are Love and you are Everything. To survive in the Patriarchy you had to develop effective strategies to disconnect from these two resources, because otherwise you would be powerful, and that is dangerous in the Patriarchy.


There is no way to fight the Patriarchy. This engine works perfectly as designed. But you can decide to stop being the fuel that runs the Patriarchy machine. You can start using your resources to build a Regenerative Culture.

This starts with reclaiming your Dignity. Your voice. Your wishes. Your vivacity. Your feelings. Its clarity and presence. Being clear about what you want and dream about.

This is a safe and dangerous space for you, a woman, to navigate topics such as Sexuality, Sexual Abuse, Guilt and Shame, Self-Doubt, Hatred, self-judgment of your physical body.

Investment: 55 EUR/NZ/$, 1h session

18, AND NOW? 

There is a myth that when we turn 18, something magical happens. We become adults. Is that really true? I recently remembered the shock I felt when I learned that turning 18 was actually a sign from modern culture that I was ready to cooperate in killing planet Earth.


We grow up in a square and linear way and we are convinced that at 18 we can choose who we are going to be, which means what university I will go to and what profession I will have. I remember the despair of not knowing what other possibilities there were besides the ones I was offered. I didn't see myself in any of the professions offered by the university.


I want more young people to discover that there is more than what we are told. There is a whole world of possibilities. You will probably invent your career because what you came here to do is unique.


I offer an individual space to accompany you, young person, on this journey of discovery. I come to you in chaos. I don't have a solution. All I have are my space holding skills and my experience as a young woman who chooses to risk walking into the unknown and going in different directions. I hope you go beyond what you've been told about what happens when you turn 18.


Investment: 50 EUR/NZ/$, 1h session


The decontamination of the adult ego state is a 1-2 year journey accompanied by decontamination coaching. This journey is designed to create enough space within you to stabilize you as an adult. Through this process you create the inner capacity to stand in your center of creative power and be in your being.


Contaminating the state of your adult ego is a very effective survival strategy because it disempowers you. With this strategy, it can seem almost impossible to hold on to the power that comes from staying with who you are and your evolutionary creative power. Instead, the impulses of your being are blurred and refracted for the purposes of showing up, being accepted, belonging, being loved, being seen, or your movements are about rules, expectations, self-blame and punishment, being perfect, blameless.


To begin the decontamination process, you must first create a gap, an anchor, in your adult ego state. Decontaminating the adult ego state is about becoming a non-judgmental investigator of yourself. An essential skill is to develop the muscle of self-observation and a neutral view of yourself.


I offer spaces for you to build a matrix in your being to begin this journey of decontamination through experiments for your personal research.


Investment: 55 EUR/NZ/$, 1h session

If you're not sure if my services are what you're looking for, let's set up a free meeting to find out.

How a Being as you can believe you are not able to create what you want to Create?

Growing up in the Patriarchy you became an expert in Disempowering yourself.

You have learned countless ways to take power from yourself and put it outside of yourself.

You learned to doubt your impulses, to act small, defenseless, naive, a victim, fragile.

You have learned not to trust the infinite resources that you are.

To survive, you chose to do everything to protect who you are, and your Archetypal Lineage.

What you learned to protect and hide is exactly the resource needed to build a Next Culture

Us as humanity we are destroying the platform we have to Evolve and Collaborate: Gaia.

Any type of Sustainable Culture does not fit into current times.

If what exists today is sustained into the next decade, perhaps our children will not have

water to drink and air to breathe.

It is necessary to create Cultures that Regenerate the Earth.

To create Regenerative Cultures we need your Archetypal Lineage.

We need you in your Power.

We need your heart to follow the inner calling and go beyond comfort and

predictability of a linear life plan offered by the Patriarchy.

We need your Presence and your access to the 4 pure feelings.

We need your charm for life, and your contact with Reality.

The opposite of life is not death, it is disenchantment. And to become disenchanted with life is not to feel.

I provide spaces for you to reconnect with Life and go to the path to jack in your Archetypal Lineage.

The opposite of scarcity is not abundance.

The opposite of scarcity is Creation.

You are Creation when you Empower Yourself.

Worktalks & Trainings

Online and Offline Spaces for Love, Clarity, Aliveness, Transformation and Empowerment


Contact me or sign up for the newsletter to be notified about upcoming events.

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Interviews & Recent Worktalks

Treze pessoas sorrindo em evento de autoconhecimento, com foco em co-criar culturas regenerativas

Co- Creating Regenerative Cultures

What does people say?

Depoimento de Heliene sobre o processo de autoconhecimento e despertar do poder de ação em sessão de coaching com Gabriela
Depoimento de Welck sobre sua jornada de autoconhecimento e valorização de seus sentimentos durante o coaching com Gabriela
Depoimento de Sancler sobre processo de autoconhecimento e novas possibilidades de ação durante coaching com Gabriela
Depoimento de Jennifer sobre  sua jornada de autoexploração e acesso a sentimentos profundos durante coaching com Gabriela
Depoimento de Celine sobre sua clareza de ação na jornada de autodescoberta durante o coaching com Gabriela
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