From Scarcity to Creation
How can you live your value and generate money? How can you have more participants in your spaces? How to get out of the scarcity construct? What holds you back from creating what you want to create?
This has been my research for the last few months. I started experimenting with creating my circle, generating abundance wherever I am, regaining trust in the universe, being my bright principles in action and generating mass in my being which naturally attracts people.
Scarcity is the epicenter that feeds Modern Culture, it is the central axis of capitalism. From scarcity your limbic system is automatically activated, you become a zombie that hunts for survival, only you matter, you become an underpaid prostitute of the system, you sell yours today to have a 'tomorrow'. You can be easily controlled and manipulated by advertisements, music, soap operas, news. This belief of "if I get enough money I'll be free" is a very tasty trap for your Gremiling and your Crate. This story is very reasonable for you to remain a zombie with the hope of reward, this unfounded promise.
I've been working with Possibilitators whose fears and beliefs have been holding them back from delivering their value to the world. I feel angry that so much value is hidden and lost because of constructs like "I need to do/work a lot to have value", "I have to be ready", "I'm not good enough", "Making money is hard and exhausting", etc.
I will start holding space for a series of group sessions with the purpose to offer you a transformational space to shift from scarcity to creation. Also, I'll start offering individual coaching sessions to support you in going on this journey to becoming your value.
1. Series From Scarcity to Creation
What I have is what I want. And what I create is what I am committed to creating.
So how is it possible that I want scarcity? What I want is money flowing through me. I don't want to be worried about the bills and how much I have in my wallet, I don't want to limit myself to living my next adventures because of this human invention 'money'. If I have what I want, and what I want is money, why don't I have it then? This is a question I've been researching for the last few months and I want to share some of my findings.
You've learned that the best way to get something is to first want it. “I want more money”, “I want a partner, a beautiful and sacred relationship”, “I want to travel”, “I want to lose weight”, “I want more health”. But all these things cannot be acquired. You can buy the travel ticket but you cannot get the real experience of the trip. You can go to the gym every day, but you cannot acquire a fullness of centering and connection with yourself in the gym plan. You can go to Labs and different trainings, but you cannot acquire transformation. Each of these wants are states of your Being, not something you can buy.
You grew up in a fantasy world of: “if I get what I want then I will be happy”. You learned that wanting something is the way to create the possibility of having it. However, wanting things is exactly what prevents you from having them.
You probably spent 10 to 15 years of your life at school (and university), and in all that time you learned the language of the mind very well, like writing, speaking, analyzing, understanding, accumulating, designing. However, you have unlearned the language of the universe, of life. An apple tree doesn't have an apple because it wants to have apples. She has apples because she is an apple tree. You don't have what you want. You have what you are, not hat you want.
The universe is a perfect mirror. Some spiritualists have already made it a little cliché, but it is nonetheless true, “as above, so below, as within, without”. If you define yourself as a seeker of things, that is exactly what you are creating in your life. If you want more money and you keep saying to yourself, “I want ten thousand dollars a month in my account,” then the universe says, “Okay,” and arranges just that for you. The universe and you create all the circumstances to continue to be the seeker and the person who WANTS to have ten thousand dollars in your account. If you want something, then first become that person.
And how do you become something? How do you change the shape of your being? Going to the Liquid State. Experiencing something different from what you've been experiencing so far. By changing the form of your Being you change the way others, life, situations relate to you. The purpose of 'Unfolding you Essence' series is to paint doorways so that you can change the shape of your being and become Value and Essence. Who do you become when you are in your essence, in your power?
In these 4 meetings I will bring experiments that I did and that created mass in my being and build my inner sctructure to become Value. I will share legends, my golds and my research on making money and creating your gameworld
I share with you a legend of one experiment I did about 'Being my Value' here.
Logistics Information
When: Thursdays, 01, 08, 15 and 22 of December.
Time: From 6 to 8pm CET
Investment: €66–126 by wise ( or bank transfer (ask me and I will give you the details). Completing payment is confirmation of your registration.
2. One to One Session
This is an individual journey that I designed with the purpose of empowering you to be your value in the world.
Since February I've been empirically researching how to build my circle and how to be money, how to be my value and radically trust my inner and life resources. I research and I've been doing healing processes about scarcity, in this worktalk I bring some golds.
What I offer on this individual journey:
10 Possibilities Coaching sessions (which may include an Emotional Healing session) - 1h30 to 2h;
Distillation of your Brilliant principles and connection with your archetypal lineage (2 sessions of 2 hours);
First 3 months biweekly meeting of 1h30 of coaching, feedback and possibilities;
Next 6 months fortnightly 1h30 meeting of coaching, feedback and possibilities;
Telegram support for building your website, newsletter and creating your circle;
Two sessions of feedback and coaching for your website (2h each session);
In these fortnightly and then monthly meetings I support you to:
Start creating your circle from generating mass in your Being;
Create your Newsletter;
Create events from your X on the Map and non-linearly;
Create your website and your gateway to how people can find you on the Internet;
Create Possibilities for your next step;
Rage Club
Expand The box
At this moment I offer one place for this individual journey. If you are interested in signing up, write me at We then schedule a 30-minute interview.
For Clients living in Central Europe, UK, Costa Rica or North America 1669 EUR to 2669 EUR
For Clients living in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Poland and Czech Republic 1269 EUR to 1869 EUR
For Clients living in South America, Central America (except Costa Rica), Egypt, Turkey or Mexico 889 EUR to 1369 EUR
Love, Adventure and Creation,
Unfolding Essence Gabriela