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2 vs 1. Who does win?

Gabriela Moreira

An Update on My Radical Freedom Research

I was with the story "I am no longer researching Radical Freedom", why should I continue to share about Radical Freedom?

Recently I discovered that my life is research. I've been living and I've been ecstatic. And that is research. Living is in the realm of Radical Freedom. It's a state of being.

I've experienced creation out of the now and out of radical relationship with the people around me. I'm out of the way and letting ECCO (Earth Control of Coincidences Office) tell me who to talk to, where to go, who to ask, what to ask. I was being. Being. My being (and even this way of writing 'my' being, as a thing now sounds strange to me) has come out more. More alive. Here in New Zealand, in an In Person Village, Being has been like a magnetic vacuum force for Being to come out.

I updated the website with the new purpose of the crowdfunding as I now I discovered new facets of what freedom means. One of them was 'to feel free, I cannot create roots, I have to be in motion, I have to travel'.

In this article I share with you some of my Adventures, learnings and discoveries.

Rage Day, Unleashing Your Inner Warrioress

When creation becomes ecstatic.

Rage Day, Unleashing your Inner Warrioress, in Takaka, New Zeland

Until 4 days before this workshop was to take place, no one had registered. Maria and I considered canceling it, I was afraid to pay for the venue and take the risk that no one would show up. Even with the fear, I could feel the big YES coming from my center. YES, I will hold this space even if only one woman shows up. Maria surfed the energy I was bringing and stepped into that YES. What happened over the next 3 days was magical. 5 women signed up. I learned that energetic clarity makes a difference. Be a yes, create the space, speak to people from your spark and people will come.

I met with these 6 women to Rage together. Maria and I held a Rage Day in Takaka, New Zealand that we called Unleashing your Inner Warrioress. The purpose of the space was to recalibrate our inner compass for yes and no, our primal way of choosing.

The space ended with us standing on chairs and letting our dragons speak to each other, awakening the archetypal power within us that's ready to speak up, to create, to take a stand for something greater than ourselves.

After the space some of us went to a deep place by the river and Jenine (it was her first contact with her anger) said, "It feels like I'm fine in my body, at home. I am alive, it was so reliving to have this space to speak out loud, I didn't know it existed".

Expanding my Box with Bowie

When 2 vs 1 win

I spent two weeks with Rita, Jacopo and Bowir. It was an extraordinary adventure. My box was expanded by spending time with Bowie, who is now 5 years old and a wizard.

One day he invited me to play water war with him (in other words, a hose bath, in the garden). I said, "Bowie, I don't like to get wet, it's cold. Claver as he is, he looked at me and said, 'This is your box, what do you want? I replied, 'My being wants to spend time with you. And what does your gremlin want? I said, 'My gremlin wants to make a mess, get wet and play with you. He replied with wide eyes, 'So it's 2 to 1. Your box loses. Your being and your gremlin win. So will you come and play?

I could not resist his offer. We got wet and muddy.

On the right is a photo of a gorgeous cave in the Golden Bay region of New Zealand.

Bowie and Rita took me to this magnificent creation of nature. As soon as I arrived I had tears in my eyes.

I was touched by how this stalactite grew towards the sun because of the plants inside. I was touched by the depth, the magic and the grounded energy in this room. I was touched by the revelation of my voice, I could hear myself singing and raging and practicing fear with Rita and Bowie. I was touched by the drops of cold water kissing my skin.

I've spent most of my time outdoors these past few weeks. This has brought me into reality and groundedness, and I'm glad.

Getting closer to reality

Being the source of your food is a way to get in touch with life.

This was my first time fishing and cleaning the fish. My box was freaking out about the blood (it said yacht, which is disgusting) and my vegan-vegetarian box wanted to run away. It kept me from feeling what I was feeling.

I? I was radiant, I felt sadness about the death of this fish, I felt anger about the time I thought the fish came from the supermarket, I felt joy about discovering what is inside a fish, how it goes from being caught to being eaten, I felt fear about the fish moving in my hand.

Building Communication Bridges

Moving from the Swamp into the Garden

I attended the Building Communication Bridges that Janet Redmond held space for last weekend in Nelson, New Zealand with a team of 6 apprentice spaceholders.

I was ecstatic as a spaceholder to discover and deepen skills that I either didn't know about or that I am not as competent with as a village weaver, such as listening with the heart, translating and landing distinctions directly into the heart, talking with people where they are, bridging people from the center of modern culture to the edge - their own edge, being with, radical curiosity, using humor to transform and connect.

There were 24 of us. Half of the group was completely new to feelings and healing work, coming from different contexts. The other half of the group were space holders or people who had done ETB before.

I felt happy to witness the context created by the large and dedicated team of spaceholders (there was a team of 6 trainee spaceholders + Janet + other spaceholders who are spaceholders wherever they are) in which it was possible for people with super high numbness bars to choose to open up and express feelings in less than 1 hour of space happening. The apprentices held space and received feedback and coaching in real time. Going first, being vulnerable, walking with their fear, being in their incompetence. I was touched by the 4 perspectives happening everywhere at the same time.

It was beautiful to witness you @janetredmond being magic and love, weaving distinction from each check-in (the check-in took 4 hours) and creating the village right here and right now. This inspired me and awakened the archetypal village weaver in my archetypal lineage.

You also have the potential to create the village you want to live in, right here, right now, by being who you are and standing and holding the culture you live in. I was blessed to co-create this happening in reality last Sunday.

I felt sadness when I saw men in the room bringing their aggression dilemmas and being willing to reconnect with their emotional body. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I listened to one man's story of violence and as he found the courage in the group to talk about his demons and ask for help.

I was also confronted with my "PM box". I discovered that anything that becomes automatic (except the heartbeat and breathing I would say) becomes part of my box. So if you're doing completion loops, asking 'what are you feeling', sharing your feelings... if it's coming as an automatic thing, it's time to get your ass kicked into the next spiral of incompetence and start over. Be a beginner. Rediscover ways of speaking and being.

Being isn't predictable and automatic. It's a new impulse every second. I started over with my listening skills and my ability to express my heart and speak from the center of my being.

What if you are a mimosa plant bellowing from a stiff yellow bucket?

Radical Freedom

Turning up the Inner Volume of your Heart

I'm holding a monthly call to deepning and research about Radical Freedom. The next call it will take place on 31st of Jan, from 8 to 9pm NZ, that is 8 to 9am CET. 

I want to create a space of Intimacy and Love with you all in this call. I want to check in with you and be with you. If you want to join us, enter in this group.

Love and Creation,


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